Pickled Garlic Cloves (canning method)

I have used this recipe, but I see that I don’t specify how many jars it made (and sizes) or how much garlic is approximately 1-1/2 lbs. It will certainly be a lot, more than just a handful of bulbs, so I’ll ‘get back to you’ with more specifics later in the year when I make this recipe again. Small jars make great additions to a gift basket.


• 1 1/2 lbs garlic, peeled, cut large cloves in half

• 5 hot peppers

• 4 cups white vinegar

• 1 1/3 cups granulated sugar

• 1 sweet red peppers, cut in strips (Optional)


1. Combine vinegar & sugar over medium heat, stirring until the sugar dissolves, bring to a boil and boil 5 minutes Add Garlic and hot peppers, also add sweet red pepper if using.

2. Bring to a boil and boil 5 minutes.

3. Put a hot pepper into each sterilized jar, add the cloves of garlic to within 1″ of the top of the jar (add the sweet red pepper if using) Fill with boiling sugar/vinegar mixture to within 1/4″ of the top of the jar.

4. Release air bubbles, ensure the rim is clean and seal the jars.

5. Let the pickled garlic rest for 2 weeks before enjoying.

To follow USDA guidelines, use these directions for canning:

• Fill hot jars with the garlic, leaving 1-inch headspace. Cover with hot pickling liquid, leaving ½-inch headspace.

• Remove air bubbles and adjust headspace if needed.

• Wipe rims of jars with a dampened, clean paper towel; adjust two-piece metal canning lids.

• Process in a boiling water bath for ten minutes (up to 1000 feet in elevation, 15 minutes up to 5000 feet in elevation, 20 minutes at higher elevations).

• Let cool, undisturbed, 12 to 24 hours and check the lids for tight seals (the button in the top should be concave).


Dick and Diana Dyer – “Shaping our future from the ground up” at

The Dyer Family Organic Farm/Dickʼs ʻPretty Good!ʼ Garlic

Your Local Garlic Growers in Ann Arbor, MI (40 varieties in 2012!)